Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Not your average Monday

I would say I count myself extremely lucky to live where I live. It's around this time of year all the fall posts come out from the other side of the world and on my side it's time for warm nights, barbeques and incredible sunsets.
Yesterday it was my sisters 14th birthday and the warmest day we've had this Spring so far. 37 degrees Celsius, so spending the afternoon/ evening at the beach would be an opportunity to good to miss. With there being clouds splattered everywhere that usually means for an incredible sunset and an added bonus yesterday was the 'Super Moon'. So as the sun went down in front of me and incredibly big and bright moon rose from behind. Lucky for me this beach is only a 2 minute walk from my house and after a long day at work it's such an easy way to get out of and unwind, even if it is only 10 minutes.

Here's a few happy snaps from our not so average Monday evening! :)

Birthday girl!
My beautiful mumma.

Cheers to you Monday.

Lots of Love,